What's new in FUSE Integration Designer 1.2

A new version of FUSE Integration designer is released last week and there are some new exciting features. Here is a very broad overview of all (well, almost all :-)) new features available.

The latest FUSE Integration designer can be downloaded from http://www.fusesource.com/downloads

Also, now there is no need to install it using Eclipse update site (which is really painful if there are some dependency issues) – but you can still install through the update site esp if want to try FID on unsupported platforms like Mac OS X and 64 bit Ubuntu Linux – the usual disclaimer follows – these are not supported!

Integrated tooling: The new FUSE Integration designer now includes tooling for ActiveMQ and ServiceMix. And all the tools are integrated like deploying EIP projects on ServiceMix, using FUSE Messaging in running an EIP diagram. FID 1.2 is has now a professional (or enterprise :-)) look with new Splash screen, Welcome screen, FUSE perspectives, New File wizards and also some cheat sheets.

New Splash screen for FID 1.2:

Welcome Screen: First time you launch FID

New file menu:

EIP Tooling

  • EIP Editor: A completely new (and powerful) graphical editor for EIP patterns. Has a new auto connected layout so that you need not worry about the connections. EIP editor has now a completely different and much clearer theme – new colors, new selection highlight, new breakpoint visualization.

  • EIP editor now supports almost all patterns and processors Camel 1.5 has. The list is too long (check the screen shots). There are some new endpoints added to the tooling – CXF, JBI, SEDA and Mock.
  • Run/ Debug improvements: A new preference for Camel Runtime home folder – Run uses this Camel to run the EIP, start the route using FUSE message, and many bug fixes.
  • Java DSL: In the preview release of FID (1.1 and 1.0), there is virtually no support for Java DSL. In this release, there is new Java DSL project (even though there is no visual editor or support for enhanced debugging – this might come in future releases), DSL project is quite useful to get start with Java DSL and also you can deploy the Java DSL on FUSE ESB (ServiceMix). Tooling will take care of packaging, deploy and starting the Java DSL.
  • New Expression Editor: There is now a new Expression editor that supports all the languages (including Bean expressions) by Camel.

FUSE ESB tooling

  • WTP Server integration: ServiceMix server is now integrated with WTP Server's framework. Now, we can start, stop, restart, publish projects on ServiceMix server from a single view.

  • FUSE ESB tooling support both 3.x and 4.x versions. ServiceMix console is integrated with Eclipse Console view.

  • Supports deploying EIP project, Java DSL project and also CXF projects on both FUSE ESB 3.x and FUSE ESB 4.x versions.

Messaging tooling

Like FUSE ESB tooling, this is also a completely new tooling added in FID 1.2.

  • New Messaging project: Useful to store all the messages and sender and listeners in a single project.

  • Send and/or Listen to a Queue and/or Topic: Can send a message to a topic or queue in a local or remote ActiveMQ server. Also, we store the messages received.

  • Send different types of messages like XML message, Text message, Message with Headers.

  • Add or Remove JMS header properties using Message editor

Web Services Tooling

  • New Annotation view: Now it is very easy add JAX-WS annotations to Java file using Annotation view.

  • Multiple deployment options: A CXF project can now be deployed on Tomcat (3.x, 4.x, 5.x, 6.x) and also on FUSE ESB (ServiceMix) service.

With lot of new features and improvements to existing tools in the new FUSE Integration designer, I like you to take a look by downloading it from http://fusesource.com/.


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