What's new in FID 1.1

FUSE Integration Designer (FID) is a graphical editor for Camel Spring XML files.
Current version of FID (1.0) can be download from FUSE Source
The next version FID 1.1 - which is yet to be released - has lot of new features, enhancements and bug fixes.

Here is brief outline of new features in FID 1.1
  1. New Patterns added:
    1. Routing Slip
    2. Splitter
    3. Recipient List
    4. Aggregator
    5. Resequencer
  2. New Endpoints:
    1. Jetty Component
  3. FID is migrated to the latest Eclipse version (i.e, 3.4.1)
  4. Improvements to launch configurations
    1. Run/Debug configuration now has a new Classpath tab (see the screen shot below). Components that require external jars files like for example JMS component requires ActiveMQ libraries can be given here.
  5. Importing Camel XML files
    1. Import camel xml files is now integrated to Eclipse Import wizard. It is now possible to import Camel XML files that are not present in the workspace.
  6. Support for Error handling
    1. A new tab called "Advanced Properties" is added to all Patterns and user can provide the error handler bean ref in that tab. For more information about Error Handling have a look at Camel documentation
However this is not a complete list - lot of bug fixes, minor enhancements - check the complete list of bugs fixed in 1.1 at http://fusesource.com/issues/secure/Dashboard.jspa

Classpath Tab in Launch configuration:

Error Handler Ref for patterns

Screenshot of FID editor